EO Calibration and Validation (Working Group)

A new UKEOF Working Group formed in 2022
  • EOCV-WG Chair: Position vacant
  • Secretariat Lead: Alice Fitch
  • Secretariat Support: Marcia Spencer

Satellite-based earth observation has undergone fundamental change in the last decade. Vast quantities of analysis-ready satellite data have become freely available. Simultaneous advances in processing tools and cloud computing infrastructure are enabling rapid and large-scale analyses. However, the availability of in situ data needed for the interpretation of satellite signals has not kept pace and outputs have been compromised. Over the same interval, the affordability and functionality of small unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) have seen rapid improvements. With increased uptake and applications, the legislative framework with regard to privacy, controlled air-space and public safety has had to evolve rapidly. 

In response to these developments this new Working Group was set up in 2022. 

The EO Calibration and Validation Working Group (EOCV-WG) will take a holistic view of the role of earth observation (satellite and drones) within UK-wide environmental monitoring, focussing on linking observations across spatial scales, i.e. from ground observations to drones to satellites. The two main objectives of the group are to:

  1. Provide a forward-thinking position and forum for best practice with regard to technological updates and the changing legislative framework
  2. Communicate the in situ needs of wider observation framework to realise cost-effective observations to support UK-scale analyses of remotely sensed images.

Member organisations

If you would like to get involved or find out more information please contact the secretariat on office@ukeof.org.uk.

Current member organisations are:

  • Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. Northern Ireland
  • Environment Agency
  • Forest Research
  • Fresh Water Biological Association
  • Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee
  • Natural England
  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Nature Scot
  • Rural Payments Agency
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
  • Scottish Government
  • UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
  • UK Environmental Observation Framework
  • Welsh Government