Citizen Science (Working Group)

  • CSWG Chair: Rob Grew (EA)
  • Secretariat Lead: Michael Pocock
  • Secretariat Support: t.b.c.

Citizen science can broadly be defined as the involvement of volunteers in science. It has a vital role in scientific research and education, and the potential to help meet some of the challenging demands of environmental monitoring at the national scale. This gives citizen science a clear relevance to government policy across the UK, and puts citizen science firmly on the agenda for UKEOF.

Inclusivity in CS symposium graphicSymposium: Inclusivity in citizen science | 29 November 2023, Online
A symposium exploring inclusivity within environmental citizen science: where we are and where we can go.
Read more and book your place



Our role

The UKEOF Citizen Science Working Group aims to provide a forum where member organisations can share good practice and discuss future needs and plans for working with volunteers to provide high quality, environmental observation data.

As part of regular citizen science working group, members provide updates about their organisation's initiatives to inform the wider community of areas of work or planned events.


The CSWG has produced a variety of outputs, including the following key briefing notes and reports:

Cover of UKEOF report on the impacts of COVID-19 on environmental citizen science   Future of citizen science leaflet (front cover)   Data management planning for citizen science (front cover)

 costbenefit_small   Guide to Citizen Science





Member organisations

If you would like to get involved or find out more information please contact the secretariat on

Current member organisations are:

Note: Names followed by an asterisk* indicate corresponding members of the group.

Terms of Reference

Citizen Science Working Group Terms of Reference (updated December 2016)



